
Face is the focal point of our appearance. And it’s the face which we care for the most among all other body parts. Facial skin is also the most delicate hence more vulnerable to sun damage and other skin affecting conditions than the rest of the body. Wrinkles and sagginess can appear with or without ageing which tend to affect in your appearance and are sometimes pretty upsetting.

Facelift is a minimal invasive cosmetic surgery, scientifically known as Rhytidoplasty which is for treatment of fine lines and wrinkles, redefining the contour of the neck and jaw line to reveal a younger and rejuvenated face.

Causes of accelerated ageing of facial skin

Nasolabial Fold – As we age, the soft facial tissue of the skin is pulled by gravity gradually creasing the skin around the nose to the side of the mouth line. Skin around the jaw line and chin become loose and lackluster.

Sun exposure is a primary cause of premature wrinkling of the face. But even if you are not excessively exposed to the Sun, involuntary climate conditions in this age of global warming with harsh UV rays and humidity have almost the same effect as direct Sunrays.

Wrinkling and skin ageing is also hereditary. And it’s not uncommon for younger people to have wrinkles and fine lines referred as accelerated ageing.

Other than climatic conditions, habits of smoking and alcohol also affect the skin. Involuntary sensitivity to air conditioning and the make-up products you are using may also be a cause of accelerated skin ageing.

Why choose Facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery has become a prominent procedure for removing wrinkles and is one the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the world. The surgery being practiced for over 50 years all around the world has developed much sophisticated and safe advancements in the process which allow surgeons with utmost freedom and control to provide an effect that is more individualistic to the patient.

Facelift Surgery

Facelift using Vaser Lipo involves making two tiny incisions in the cranial area near to the hairline under local anesthesia; the scars get hidden in the folds of hair. After making the incisions the skin of the cheek area is loosened with a special instrument and pulled up, then stitched upwards under tension. The incisions are then sutured with a few stitches hidden by the hair. For best results surgeons suggest a pressure dressing for 2 weeks.

Vaser lipo Facelift is perfect for premature ageing with deep nasolabial folds and sagging facial structures, yet still have a firm and well-contoured neck.

Even though this is an effective therapy to treat premature ageing, it might not be helpful if you have permanent creases particularly those around the mouth line. Additional treatments like dermabration and chemical peel might be helpful.

Risk Factors

As with most cosmetic surgery procedures, in a facelift surgery bleeding, infection, visible scarring, necrosis, abnormal or delayed results are the risks factors. And at Harley Body Clinic our highly qualified and experienced surgeons undergo utmost pre-surgical evaluation to ensure minimum complication. However, these risks are very nominal rating in 1% – 4% in all regions.

Nose Job / Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty / Nose Surgery / Nose Job


As humans, the nose is one of our most prominent features. It is important to our over-all appearance that it is well-shaped and fits naturally on our face. For those unhappy with the shape, size or proportion of their nose, rhinoplasty (cosmetic nose surgery) may offer the improvement they seek.

Though basic rhinoplasty information is provided on this website, the best way to get answers to specific questions about your needs is to schedule a personal consultation with a plastic surgeon in Harley Body Clinic.

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, or Nose Job, offers benefits to individuals of most any age. However, children and teens should wait until their facial growth is complete. For girls this typically occurs between at age 16 and for boys at age 18. Teens should only undergo rhinoplasty if it is their own idea.

Good candidates for a rhinoplasty (nosejob) include healthy individuals with any of the following issues:

  • Nose disproportionately large for the face
  • Hump or depression on the nasal bridge
  • Disproportionately wide shape
  • Nasal tip that droops
  • Enlarged nasal tip
  • Excessively flared nostrils
  • Off-center or crooked nose
  • Asymmetry caused by injury
  • Airway obstruction impairing breathing

Nose job


Before surgery, these rhinoplasty
patients have large, slightly hanging
noses, with a hump and an enlarged tip.


What should I expect from my rhinoplasty consultation?

A personal consultation with your surgeon is the first step for any patient considering rhinoplasty. Harley Body Clinic believes in careful patient consultation to assess your physical and emotional health, discuss your aesthetic goals, and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Issues you should be prepared to discuss during consultation with Harley Body Clinic Doctors include:

  • Medical conditions, both past and present
  • Current medications, including nutritional supplements and herbal remedies
  • Past surgeries
  • Allergies causing congestion or breathing difficulties
  • Nasal spray use

Your physical evaluation with Harley Body Clinic, will include an assessment of your nasal structure, skin tone, and the current shape and size of your nose. We will also carefully evaluate the relationship of your nose with your other features to create the balance needed for optimal results.

For some, we may discuss additional procedures to enhance physical appearance or improve breathing after rhinoplasty. Men and women frequently combine chin implant surgery with their procedure, to improve facial harmony and make add strength to their jawline. For breathing issues, a turbinoplasty is often performed to open nasal passages. A septoplasty can also be performed with cosmetic nose surgery, to correct a deviated septum.

What does cosmetic nose surgery entail?

There are many variations to the rhinoplasty procedure. The technique we at Harley Body Clinic uses for you depends upon your individual features and aesthetic goals. Alterations can be made to change your nose angle, reshape the tip, narrow the nostrils or change the size or width of the nasal bridge. We will discuss your options with you during your pre-op consultation.

Harley Body Clinic prefers the open approach (open rhinoplasty) for enhanced visualization of the tissues and a better result. This requires a small incision across the columella (vertical soft tissue between the nostrils) which usually heals remarkably well and is often barely noticeable.

Rhinoplasty allows the bone and cartilage of the nose to be sculpted as desired. Depending upon your needs. Harley Body Clinic, may reposition or reshape the nasal bones. If needed, certain areas may be built up using cartilage or bone from the nose, or cartilage from other areas of the body, usually the septum of the nose. Sometimes, Harley Body Clinic needs more cartilage particularly when he is asked to do a secondary rhinoplasty. If additional cartilage is required in addition to what may be available from the nasal septum, then Harley Body Clinic may utilize a rib graft. This is a difficult procedure which is only performed by very few rhinoplasty Doctors in Harley Body Clinic. Although some believe it may be a painful procedure, Harley Body Clinic has developed an innovative protocol for his rib grafts using a special operative approach combined with a programmable pain pump after surgery. According to our patients, this protocol makes the rib graft a virtually pain-free procedure. Harley Body Clinic does not recommend synthetic materials for the nose due to the increased risks of infection or extrusion. After the underlying structure of the nose is reshaped, the skin and soft tissues are redraped over the reshaped framework. In some instances, such as with nostril reduction, a small bit of skin at the base of the nostrils may be removed. The incisions from this are concealed in the nose’s natural creases, although this is rarely necessary with Harley Body Clinic’s refined techniques.

Are there safety concerns associated with rhinoplasty?

Though thousands of men and women undergo rhinoplasty each year and experience no major complications, the procedure does carry some degree risk. It is important you be well informed of these risks when considering. Rhinoplasty. Harley Body Clinic sees the discussion of potential risks and complications as one of the most important aspects of patient consultation. During your consultation, we will discuss these potential complications with you, listen to your safety questions, and offer instructions on how to minimize your risk.

How should I prepare for my cosmetic nose surgery?

It is important to follow Harley Body Clinic’s instructions when preparing for rhinoplasty or nasal surgery to ensure the best possible results. Those instructions may include:

  • Refraining from smoking for several weeks before and after surgery
  • The avoidance certain medications
  • Arranging for help following surgery, such as a ride home and proper in-home care

What will happen the day of my surgery?

During surgery, medications will be administered to ensure comfort. General anesthesia will most likely be used to allow you to sleep during the procedure. Harley Body Clinic uses only doctors (anesthesiologists)-not nurses (CRNA’s or anesthetists)-to administer anesthesia to our patients. We will carefully monitor your physical status throughout the operation and during your recovery.

What should I expect during my recovery?

Harley Body Clinic uses advanced techniques to foster faster recovery for all his Harley Body Clinic patients. Directly after surgery, you’ll be taken to a recovery area. Your head will be elevated and any pain you may feel will be controlled with medication. In most instances, a splint will be applied to the bridge of the nose for stabilization purposes. Splints may also be used inside the nostrils, especially if work has been done to improve breathing. A small bandage beneath the nose tip will also be applied in cases of open rhinoplasty. Though everyone heals at a different pace, you can expect your recovery to roughly follow this general time line:

The day of rhinoplasty surgery

  • In this early stage of healing, activity must be kept to a minimum
  • Resting with your head elevated is important to minimize swelling
  • Bleeding and stuffiness may occur in small amounts

Within 10 days:

  • Bruising will begin to subside
  • Swelling reaches its peak and then begins to go down
  • Stitches and splints will be removed
  • Makeup can be applied to conceal any discoloration
  • Non-strenuous activity may begin

After several weeks:

  • Exercise and most other normal activities may resume
  • Most swelling will subside
  • Numbness will diminish; though some may persist for several months
  • Eyeglasses may be worn

It will be important to keep your nose shielded from sunlight for several months. Using sunblock to protect your skin is essential.

How soon should I expect to see my results?

Your results should begin to emerge within a few weeks after surgery. As each month passes, you’ll notice gradual improvement until healing is complete. It may take up to two years or more for your final results to appear.

Though getting used to your new look may take time, most patients are very pleased with their results. Many report increased self-confidence and an improvement in the overall facial look. Rhinoplasty results are permanent, though the aging process may eventually change your nose shape.

How long will I continue to see my plastic surgeon?

Harley Body Clinic doctors believes in the importance of follow-up visits, to answer any questions you may have and monitor your healing process. Rather than delegating all of these visits to a nurse, we enjoys seeing our patients as they heal over time. Your first post-operative visit will be scheduled after the initial healing period, during the first week after surgery. In the following months, Harley Body Clinic doctors may ask you to return for periodic checkups. Keeping these appointments is important to allow him to assess your long-term results and address any questions or concerns you may have.

After surgery, the patient has a smaller nose, a straighter bridge, a well defined nasal tip, and an improved angle between the nose and upper lip.

A splint made of tape and an overlay of plastic or metal is applied to help the bone and cartilage of the nose maintain their new shape.

Rhinoplasty can correct a nasal tip that droops, a bump on the nasal bridge, and other attributes that may make someone feel their nose is unattractive.

Incisions are made inside the nostrils or at the base of the nose, providing access to the cartilage and bone, which can then be sculpted into shape.

Mole Removal


Mole removal is a cosmetic surgery procedure. It can be conducted by laser or by other surgery procedures.

Moles can exist at birth, or can begin to appear over time.

These are dark spots or irregularities found in the skin, of various shapes and sizes. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin, from the nose and other facial area, as well as arms and chest areas. There can be a single mole, or it may be in groups.

Some moles go unnoticed, and some (like facial “beauty marks”) are even considered attractive. On the other hand, some people feel bothered by moles, and moles can even be a health risk.

Reasons to removing moles

There are some benefits to removing moles, including:

  • Facial (or other) moles may get in the way of shaving.
  • When moles run against clothing or jewellery it may create skin irritation
  • Improve the look (“clear and uniform” skin).
  • Improve self-esteem.

If you consider removing a mole you should first be examined by a doctor who has experience in treating moles to help determine whether the mole is cancerous. Then you should consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist to perform the procedure.

Moles can be pre-cancerous sign

Very important: a mole can be a pre-cancerous sign. It can often be completely removed before it causes a serious health risk.

The majority of moles are benign (non-cancerous) and have no threat to health. To determine if a mole is cancerous, a small portion is examined through a biopsy or microscope analysis. This piece of tissue is usually examined at a pathology lab.

Would you be a good candidate for Mole Removal?

You are, if you can physically and emotionally benefit from having the mole removed. Do not forget, however, that cosmetic surgery can improve the situation but does not guarantee perfection.

Mole Removal Procedures

Before removing, the area is cleansed and then an anaesthetic is applied to numb the area. The type of mole being removed determines what technique is used. Depending on the technique, stitches may or may not be used.

Procedure with stitches

For excision of the mole, the surgeon uses a scalpel to cut the mole and a border of good skin surrounding it. The surgeon will determine the size of this border. Stitches are placed either deep within the skin, or on the upper surface, depending on the depth of the excision.

Procedure without stitches

For the procedure that involves no stitches, a scalpel is used to shave the mole allowing it to be flush with the surrounding skin. Then using an electrical instrument, the doctor cauterizes the area to stop any bleeding. Topical antibiotic is applied to reduce risk of infection. Shaving removes the protruding surface of the mole, but it can leave mole cells beneath the skin and may grow back.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment is one of the methods used for mole removal.

This technique does not result in scarring, however, this is not a method used for treating deep moles because the laser does not penetrate deeply enough.

Duration of procedure

Mole removal typically takes less than an hour to perform, depending on the amount of moles to be removed.

Recovery after removal

The amount of discomfort afterward varies on the method used. If there is discomfort, it can be relieved with prescribed pain medication. A scab usually will develop, and then heal within a week or two. Also any redness that occurs will disappear within two to four weeks. Most scars that do appear slowly fade over time.

Risks and Limitations

While risks are minimal, a possible risk that can occur is infection. The risks associated with mole removal also depend upon the technique used.

A common condition that can occur after the excision procedure is scarring. Some scars fade away, but some can be permanent. Scars can be eliminated through skin resurfacing or other scar revision procedures.

Eyelid Surgery / Blepharoplasty

Our most prominent facial feature, our eyes are seen as the window to our soul They dictate whether we look awake and alert, or tired, angry or unhappy Issues such as lower eyelid puffiness, dark circles or drooping upper eyelids can misrepresent our true mood and temperament They often make us appear fatigued and haggard even when we are alert and energized.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyelids, cosmetic eyelid surgery ( blepharoplasty) may offer the improvement you seek Eyelid surgery can remove drooping skin and excess fat of the upper eyelids, reduce under-eye bags and tighten the lower eyelid skin

Though basic blepharoplasty information is provided on this website, the best way to get answers to specific questions about your needs is to schedule a personal consultation with our experinced doctors For individuals considering eyelid surgery in Harley Body Clinic Please Contact Us


Eyelid puffiness, drooping upper lids
or fine wrinkles around the eyelids can
make people appear tired, sad, or older
than they feel


Is cosmetic eyelid surgery right for me?

Eyelid surgery is most often performed to correct the effects of ageing in the upper and lower eyelids But it can also offer benefits to younger men and women as well Many individuals begin to see changes in their eyelids as early as their mid-30s, and even patients in their 20s have undergone eyelid surgery to enhance their appearance

Good candidates for eyelid surgery include healthy men and women with any of the following conditions:

Upper eyelids

  • Puffiness
  • Excess skin hiding the natural eyelid fold
  • Loose eyelid skin, sometimes obstructing vision

Lower eyelids

  • Excess skin
  • Fine wrinkles in the lower eyelid area
  • Bags, puffiness and dark circles

Though eyelid surgery offers great benefits to many seek it, the procedure should to be approached with extra caution for those with any of the following medical conditions:

  • Circulatory disorders, including high blood pressure
  • Thyroid problems
  • Lower eyelids with excessively significant droop
  • Dry eye, glaucoma, a detached retina or other eye problems
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes

Ear Correction / Otoplasty

Who is a good candidate for cosmetic ear surgery?


Most patients undergo otoplasty, or cosmetic ear surgery, to reduce the size of large ears or have prominent ears “pinned back” closer to the head.

Most otoplasty procedures are performed on children between 5 and 14-years-of-age. Generally our ears are nearly fully developed by the age of five, allowing for the surgery to be performed. Since school-yard teasing and ridicule can negatively impact a child’s self-esteem, many parents seek-out otoplasty for their children at an early age. Of course, ear surgery can be performed to reshape adult ears as well, to increase self-esteem and improve appearance.

Though basic otoplasty information is provided on this website, the best way to get answers to specific questions about you or your child’s needs is to schedule a personal consultation in Harley Body Clinic.


Otoplasty Surgery
Ears that appear to stick out or
are overly large can be helped by
ear surgery.


Are there safety concerns associated with cosmetic ear surgery?


Though thousands of children and adults undergo otoplasty each year and experience no major complications, the procedure does carry some degree risk. It is important you be well informed of these risks when considering surgery. Harley Body Clinic sees the discussion of potential risks and complications as one of the most important aspects of patient consultation. During your consultation, we will discuss these potential complications with you, listen to your safety questions, and offer instructions on how to minimize the risk.

Potential complications include blood clotting on the ear in a small percentage of patients. If these clots don’t dissolve naturally, they can be drawn out with a needle. Infection in the ear cartilage is also a rare risk with otoplasty. In some cases, this can cause unwanted scar tissue to form. Such infections are usually treated with antibiotics; though rarely, surgery may be required to drain the infected area.


Planning for otoplasty surgery


Children who feel uncomfortable about their ears and want the otoplasty procedure tend to be more cooperative during surgery and happier with the results. Parents should not insist their child undergo otoplasty.

In the initial consultation with Harley Body Clinic Doctors, we will evaluate you or your child’s ear structure, depending on who’s undergoing the procedure, and recommend a treatment plan. He will also offer instructions on how to prepare for surgery.


Types of anesthesia


Harley Body Clinic typically prefers general anesthesia in order to allow ample time to get the most natural result. In selected cases, however, a local anesthesia combined with a sedative is sufficient. In these instances, the patient will be awake but relaxed throughout the procedure.


The surgery


Cosmetic ear surgery takes about four to six hours to achieve the most natural result when re-shaping both ears. Complicated procedures sometimes may take longer. The duration of the surgery and the surgical technique used will depend on the issues being addressed.

The procedure uses a small incision in the natural fold behind the ear. The ear cartilage will be exposed, sculpted and folded back toward the head. Non-removable stitches may be used to secure the cartilage into position. In rare cases, cartilage is removed to improve shape but in most cases Harley Body Clinic Doctors sculpts the ear and re-shapes the cartilages without removing cartilage. To ensure symmetry and balance, surgery is typically performed on both ears, even when only one appears to protrude.

A faint scar in the back of the ear should be expected after surgery, though it will eventually fade with time.


An incision is made in the back of
the ear so cartilage can be
sculpted or folded. Stitches
are used to close the
incision and help maintain the
new shape.


Otoplasty recovery


Patients are generally up and around within a few hours of the procedure and allowed to return home soon after. In cases where general anesthesia is used on a child, however, some parents prefer an overnight hospital stay.

You should expect the patient’s head to be wrapped in a bandage immediately after surgery. This is to promote molding and healing of the ears and should be worn for 2-3 days. Eventually the bandage will be replaced by a less-bulky dressing, similar to a headband. It is important the dressing be worn as directed by Harley Body Clinic.

Some throbbing or aching should be expected for the first few days. This pain is generally minimal and well-controlled with medication.

Stitches are usually removed in about a week or dissolve on their own.

Adults typically return to work about five days after surgery. Most children can return to school after seven days or so. Children need to be careful about playground activity, however. The ears will need to be protected from bending and pressure for the first six months.


Creating a fold in the cartilage
makes the ear lie flatter against
the head and appear more normal.


Other cosmetic ear issues


Though protruding ears is the issue most seek otoplasty to correct, there are a variety of other cosmetic ear issues that can be addressed with plastic surgery as well. These issues include:


  • Cupped ear: a disproportionately small ear
  • Lop ear: where the ear tip folds downward
  • Shell ear: where the folds, creases and outer rim of the ear is missing
  • Earlobe issues: disproportionately large or stretched earlobes, or earlobes with wrinkles or creases


In some instances, entire ears can be constructed for those without them due to birth defect or trauma.

In these instances, careful consultation with your plastic surgeon is essential. Some cosmetic ear surgeries can leave noticeable scarring. The pros and cons of individual ear surgeries should be carefully discussed and weighed before proceeding.


Otoplasty results


After healing, many patients experience an increased level of comfort with their overall appearance. Though most patients are very happy with their results, those expecting perfection rather than improvement are often disappointed. Expectations such as perfectly symmetrical ears are not realistic. If you’ve discussed the procedure and your expectations with your surgeon before the operation, chances are, you’ll be quite pleased with the result.


Choosing a plastic surgeon


When considering undergoing Harley Body Clinic believes choosing a qualified surgeon to perform it is one of the most important factors. Though it’s hard to believe, not all physicians who perform cosmetic surgery have had formal surgical training. It’s important to research the credentials of all surgeons you consider for your procedure. Harley Body Clinic Doctors are fully trained in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery as well as Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery). He invites potential patients to fully explore his training, experience a personal consultation.